Who are we?

A human-dog team

Hello lovelies and welcome to our blog!

We are my owner Wiola and an Australian Shepherd called Falko. I am 24 years old, originally from Poland and live in Dubai with my boyfriend Leon and Falko. I love working with dogs, training and learning about dogs.

Falko was born on 24.09.2020 and is a purebred giant Aussie.

He weighs 32kg and has a shoulder height of 65cm! Falko is the best dog I could have imagined. He simply suits me and chose me when we first met. He loves to work with me and is a great companion.

My great passion is dogs and has been since I was very little 😊. I started dreaming of having a dog at the age of three. My parents weren't keen on the idea for years. It wasn't until I was 12, when I found an ad for a puppy, that it worked out. I found cute miniature schnauzers waiting for a home and fell in love. My mom has always liked schnauzers. The ad also said that the puppies were born on August 4 - just like me!

We talked about it for a few days and after 2 weeks a little schnauzer called Ouzo moved in with us. With Ouzo, my passion only intensified and was simply confirmed. He was just right for me. I was able to test my knowledge with Ouzo, teach him new things and, above all, learn so much. Simply a dream ❤️. Unfortunately, he had to be put to sleep at the age of 5 because he had two head tumors. After my beloved dog had to go, I wanted nothing more to do with dogs.

I trained as a medical assistant even though I wanted to do something with dogs - was it the wrong decision? I don't think so. I worked for 2 months after my training and started my own business in social media. My friend introduced me to social media because he has a marketing agency. 

The desire for a dog already came during my training, I was ready to become a dog mom again. Self-employment was a great option as I was always at home and could take enough time for a dog.

My friend found an Ebay ad... yes, we have an Ebay ad dog, I'll tell you another time whether it was a good decision. I actually wanted a schnauzer again, but my boyfriend doesn't like them at all. I've always found Aussies interesting, a great character, a working dog - a dream I thought, I didn't realize that he would herd us at first 😂. We looked at the puppies when they were 3 weeks old and fell in love. Falko was definitely my favorite, he came straight to me, slept on me and I was so fulfilled. We made a deposit and the waiting began.

Falko finally came to us when he was 8 weeks old. I could watch him for hours and was just happy to have a dog by my side. Falko has developed so well and has made me laugh and cry every day. His education is still far from complete, we have our construction sites, but he is making wonderful progress. He is eager to learn and just wants to please.

We have become a great team, complement each other perfectly, learn so much together and explore the world. Falko, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me!


What sets us apart


No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Whether it's at school, in a relationship or in dog training. You'll also get to see the "bad" days on our blog.


Dogs need routine, rules and structure. Our life is by no means boring and we are extremely happy to share this with you. Join us in our everyday life in Dubai!


I will share all my knowledge with you. Dog training, the right diet, traveling with a dog or the right harness. Everyone will find something suitable to read here.


Our vision

Discover everyday life with a dog with us.

I love creating videos for you on TikTok, posts on Instagram or blog posts. I am so happy to help you when you write to me and describe your construction sites. The exchange with you means a lot to me. One day I will create a place where we can all work on our human-dog relationships! Not a typical dog school... something with much more love, reality and passion.